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Advertising industry

Interesting survey about advertising

There was a study, presented at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in Y’12 about the brand health of the ad industry and why people stay or leave.

This report was created by advertising agency Deutsch LA working in conjunction with the American Association Of Advertising Agencies and in the survey took part 1,500 advertising professionals. The report is titled “Ending the Agency Talent Rotisserie.”

And here are some very interesting results of that survey:

  • According to the survey, 25 percent of ad people don’t love the business they’re in.
  • When asked to describe their ideal job, 83% of respondents say it should have better compensation. 69% say it should have a good work-life balance.
  • Compared to other industries, the advertising people see themselves as creative (89%), extroverted (83%) rule breakers (72%).
  • 69% say their ideal job would have better work/life balance, but in fact the number one reason people left their agencies to take a new job was growth opportunity, at 52%. Meanwhile, compensation came in third at 38%.

“Advertising has freedom-loving people that want to create their own destinies, but a work environment that feels hampered by internal processes”, describes the survey.

And here are very interesting charts from that survey as well:

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Are you happy, where you are? If not, make a change.
Love, Kameliya
Image Source: 

Charts and Survey Source: AAAA

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