Auto Complete Truth
I love campaigns with social causes, because they raise awareness on important social issues and lead to positive change in the society.
The campaign, which I present you today is such one.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Richard Buckminster Fuller
This campaign presents series of ads, based on Google searches to show the scope of sexism worldwide.
It is titled “Auto Complete Truth” and the ad agency “Ogilvy & Mather”, Dubai, UAE developed it for the UN Women.
UN Women is an organization, part of the UN, which main goal is to protect gender equality and make sure that women all over the world meet their rights and needs.
This campaign reveals that:
- sexism still exists;
- sexism is a major issue in today’s society;
- gender inequality is still a worldwide problem.
The campaign is really educational and remarkable with the creative approach – the key messages are positioned over the mouths of women portraits, as if to silence their voices.
And here are the key visuals!
Thank you for sharing this virtual place with me!
Be inspired and don’t forget to use your wings to fly!
Love, Kameliya