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More services for the same price

Interesting case

Often clients want more services from the agencies, but for the same old price.

When the client wants from the agency more services for the same price, here is the question process, that will lead us to the right solution:

Камелия Каменова @kameliyakamenov
  • First – what is the ROI of this client, if the agency increases the number of services, but don’t increases the price?
  • Second – Is this client strategic one for the business of the agency? If the client is 20% of the business we have one picture, but if the client is 75% of the business of the agency, the picture is totally different. Never let any client to have higher share in your business than 20%, as this is not only unhealthy for the business, but it makes also your business dependant and in long term perspective it will crush. 
  • Third – Does the agency has the capacity to do that, by compensating the difference in the prices from other activities/ clients?
  • Fourth – If the agency agrees, there should be very detailed yearly action plan for the work with this client and every service outside this plan to be agreed to be additionally charged.
  • Fifth – and yes, if the services increase, but the price stays the same, here is the time for the negotiation skills of the agency, which is good to negotiate in this case Q-bonuses and Yearly bonus for effective execution of the agreed detailed action plan for more yearly services/ campaigns at the same old prices.

Thank you for sharing this virtual place with me!

Be inspired and don’t forget to use your wings to fly!

Love, Kameliya