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The “touch” of the ad agencies

The material today is related with the creation of a logo.

The main hero is the  logo proposal of Madrid for the 2020 Olympics.

This case shows how “magic could be the touch” of one advertising agency on a really good in fact design.

The original design was created by 22-year-old Luis Peiret, who is a graphic arts student from Zaragoza. His design of the logo was chosen in a competition by Spanish Olympic Committee.

Here it is:


The script of the original logo says M20, but then comes the agency, called TAPSA (according to this report), which one modified the design in such a way, that:

  • there was included an incorrect accent on the “i” of Madrid
  • there was removed the black color of “Madrid 2020”
  • the  logo looks like “20020”, because the agency trimmed the bottom of the design and this leaded to the visual confusion.

And the end result is:

TAPSA’s proposal

What do you think – how “magic” could be the touch of one advertising agency on the original work of one designer?

Wish you a nice day.

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