It’s really good
The business life has so different kind of scenarios and some of them you can never predict, no matter how much you want to believe you can.
One scenario is when you have the best product in the world, but it’s not enough.
Because you can still have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows about it, you will just be the owner of the best product, which brings zero profit and zero added value to people.
You need to attract people attention on this product.
And it’s a subject of communication policy.
Other scenario is when you have already the attention of people on your product.
They know about it and they want to taste it, try it, feel it.
BUT they can’t find it anywhere.
This is a subject of distribution policy – each successful launch of any product starts first with a good numeric distribution, before the respective media campaign.
Third scenario is when people know about the product, they want to try it, the product has good numeric distribution, but when you go to the respective store you can’t find it at all.
Yes, you know it’s there, but you can’t find it.
You see some of the competitive products, but not the one you’re looking for.
Part of this is related with the creation of outstanding and good packaging, which makes the product visible on the shelf, distinctive from the competitive products and eye catching.
Having in mind this, today I’ll present you some unique examples of products with really remarkable packaging.
Enjoy them!
“Packaging can be theater, it can create a story.” – Steve Jobs
What a milk, what a packaging
This packaging really stands out on the shelves in store and highlights the product in unique and remarkable way.
The packaging itself allows to be build different combinations of visuals on the shelves, thanks to the different design on all sides of the product.
In fact this product tells stories through its packaging. And it’s really charming.
What a good hair day for Pasta
These are so interesting series of packaging for pasta.
For sure your eye won’t miss this pasta on the shelves, as the packaging of this product captures the attention in so creative and memorable way.
Maybe the main target audience for this product are mainly women, but even the eyes of the men will be on this pasta, because of the unique creative approach.
Thank you for sharing this virtual place with me!
Be inspired and inspire!
x KK