Yes, the new technologies are coming again and again in more perfect version and you can’t fight it. While you buy the last new version of one device, there’s already the next newversion on the market.That’s the fast developing reality of the technology and you could not change it.
Today we’ll talk about the tablets, that already a lot of people use. There was very interesting survey in the beginning of this year from Yahoo and Ipsos MediaCT about the usage of tables by the Americans. And some of the results are unbelievable. Here they are:
- 91% of americans who own a tablet say they take their device to bed with them
- 15% ot them say they would give up their car in order to keep their tablet – do you believe it?
- one-third of the men are in the bathroom with their tablets
- nearly 40% of female tablet owners say they would give up TV for their device.
- 25% of female tablet owners say they would give up sex to keep their devices – again, do you believe it?
And how far will you go, in order to use your tablet?
x KK